Green Challenges – Université de Montpellier AllActions to support and enhance biodiversityPractices that will bring the university closer to a Zero Waste goalReducing the carbon footprint related to transport at the universityReducing the environmental footprint of catering at the university Chouette un crécerelle ! Ressourcerie Etudiante Solidaire (RES)Practices that will bring the university closer to a Zero Waste goal, Practices that will bring the university closer to a Zero Waste goal Bouge ta Finance Les nichoirs de l’espoir MOBILAN – Le simulateur d’empreinte carbone des mobilitésReducing the carbon footprint related to transport at the university Bio’Diversité Bancaire collecteur de déchets alimentaires campus RichterReducing the environmental footprint of catering at the university MAYAActions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity, Actions to support and enhance biodiversity IUTBioNature IEM x MéGO Masaison Valurine Go back