Mou-te amb UB, mou-TMB

Introduce your team!

  • Creator
  • #5004

    Anna Galmiche

    Hi everyone!

    Congratulations for the selection of your project in the call for projects “Green Challenges 2021”!

    Let me introduce myself, I am Anna and I’m a student at the University of Montpellier. I will accompany you in the use of your Living Lab if needed.

    I see you started to post here and ask for comments, which is great ! Maybe you could also introduce your team members and explain how you came up with the idea for this project ?

    I don’t speak Spanish so we’ll be talking in English together but you’re welcome to speak in Spanish if that’s easier for you.

    We look forward to meeting you and following the evolution of your game project !

  • Author
  • #5018


    Hi Anna,

    I am Victor, who decided to enroll the UNI-ECO project and send the idea to Eulalia, and I am currently at “Ciencias del mar” degree, into the 3rt year. At first, we decided that we would like to work into the carbon topic because it was the easier for us. The initial idea has been in constantly change since, but we really thought that a collaborative game would work better than a typical actuation. Indeed, at our first year Eulalia manage to do a similar game and it was so popular (perhaps she will tell more in the next post). We really hove that the development of the idea gets easy and that we manage to do a competitive challenge (all competitors ideas are great, lot of creativeness!)

  • #5019


    Thanks! I’m Eulàlia, and I’m also a third-year Marine Science student, at UB.

    I’m keen on board games, especially collaborative board games. I like fantasy and science fiction too, which is a great inspiration to create new stories and games (like the one we are trying to do). In my opinion, board games (and games in general) have a great potential for a lot of things and they are not exploited as much as they can. I hope we can prove it with this project. As Victor has said, I supervised a few games in the University, with my close friends, and they worked very well, so I feel like organizing one for a bigger public could lead to an awesome experience for me.

    I also think we can learn a lot from the other projects, they are very interesting and I want to see how they progress.

  • #5154


    Hi! I am Oscar Marcos, an environmental technician at the Safety, Health and Environment Office (OSSMA, the acronym in Catalan & Spanish) of the University of Barcelona. Together with Judit Monlleó, who has also joined this group, we are in charge of the environmental management of the University, and one of the topics we work on is sustainable mobility.

    We want to congratulate you for the proposal and for having been selected. Our role in relation to the project is to be facilitators, advisers or tutors, as you prefer to call it. Our objective is to resolve your doubts in the development of the project, to make its implementation at the University viable and have the greatest possible impact, especially taking into account the current pandemic situation, with limited assistance on Campus and fewer trips.

    You can raise your questions or queries, and we will also give you some advice and guidance on the specific topics of the discussion forum.

    Good work!

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