A composter at the Campus: selective collection & education

Introduce your team!

  • Creator
  • #4981

    Anna Galmiche

    Hi everyone!

    Congratulations for the selection of your project in the call for projects “Green Challenges 2021”!

    Let me introduce myself, I am Anna and I’m a student at the University of Montpellier. I will accompany you in the use of your Living Lab if needed.

    To begin with, maybe you could introduce your team members and explain how you came up with the idea for this project.

    I don’t speak Spanish so we’ll be talking in English together but you’re welcome to speak in Spanish if that’s easier for you.

    We look forward to meeting you and following the evolution of your composter!

  • Author
  • #4997


    Hi Anna! nice to meet you!

    I am Mireia and I am a lecturer at The Universitat de Barcelona. Thanks for your help, we are sure that we will need it! This afternoon we have a team meeting and I will give my colleagues the instructions to register at the Living Lab. All of them are lecturers at the same University, specifically at the Education Faculty, and we are very excited to begin with the composter!

    It is a long delayed project and now finally we will do it. Our Campus is next to the mountain, we have large gardens and two café, so there is a big amount of organic waste and the composter will be a perfect way to recycle it and obtain compost for the gardens. At the same time we will use it in our Natural Science lessons, as a practical way to observe insects, life cycle, the decomposition process…

    Keep in touch!

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