Oct 15, 2021News

University staff and students across the five partner Universities of the UNI-ECO project can now learn more about sustainability through two new free e-learning modules on “Consumption and Waste” and “Carbon Footprint”, launched today. This is the first two of five modules in total to be developed by the UNI ECO Erasmus+ project team, to share across the partner communities of University of Montpellier, Utrecht University, Trinity College Dublin, University of Barcelona and Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem [Budapest]).

These modules form part of the UNI-ECO project mission to create practical and collaborative tools for sustainability innovation in the University. Dr Silvia Gallagher (Trinity), who is leading on the design and development of the modules, working with the international team across the Universities, points out that the modules focus on practical case studies, tips, and ways to change behaviour, and are open to any student or staff member interested in living more sustainably and increasing their knowledge and awareness about sustainability. Each online module contains videos, links, quizzes and interactive presentations created by UNI ECO sustainability experts and takes 1.5 hours to complete. Learners receive an electronic certificate once the module is completed.

The two online modules can be freely accessed through the UNI ECO website (e-learning platform) and no previous knowledge about sustainability is needed to take part.

Elodie Ernoult, a member of the team from the University of Montpellier who developed the Carbon Footprint module, explains that “the module is aimed at giving you the background and essential information to help you understand the effect of carbon on the Earth and how a carbon footprint is calculated, so that you hold all the cards to analyze your own situation and make suitable decisions”.

“Sharing knowledge and practical actions for sustainability on university campuses is important for staff and students, allowing us all to engage more with the Sustainable Development Goals in our universities” says Consumption and Waste module lead Michele Hallahan, Sustainability Advisor to the Office of the Provost of Trinity College.


The UNI ECO project is a “Strategic Partnership”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The three-year project, which began in 2019, is dedicated to increasing sustainability behaviours, practices and projects at all five universities. Project managed by University of Montpellier, it is also supported by partners CESIE and Uni Med (Unione Delle Universita Del Mediterraneo).

UNI-ECO takes inspiration from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal as roadmaps for supporting change at all scales.                                                                               

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