
Short description

Bringing food waste closer to zero by developing a technology that scans/logs foods purchased before then being put away in households.

Long description

We have developed an idea to track and combat food waste. The plan is to build a notification app; that when you purchase foods, before putting the away you log them. There calories alike and importantly the foods expiry dates. When the food then gets close to the expired date you get a notification on your device stating that you should eat your food that you might have forgot about before it goes of tomorrow. Along with this we will recommend meal plans that the food close to expire can be used for. Also: we will incentivise users to eat the foods by giving them awards almost. At the end of each month depending on how much food they ate before it expired (there would be an I ate it) widget they could unlock an eco friendly t shirt or water bottle that says I contributed saving 5kg of food. #letsgettozero.

Scope of the project



We don’t need a lot of funds primary it would be just for marketing and an IT guy who can build a data base with foods logged then notify when coming close to expired date: not much.

How do you envisage dealing with COVID-19 restrictions?

There is no real issues working on this project with COVID. People need food regardless. If anything eating foods before expired date prevent people having to perpetually go to the shop for more foods


Trinity College Dublin

Target audience

  • Students

Expected date to be completed


Team Leader Information

Name: Clinton Apos
Faculty/Department: Business school
Position: Student
Number of members of this group: 1

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