
Release of the UNI-ECO Annual Report 2020

The UNI-ECO Annual Report 2020 aims to present the objectives of the UNI-ECO project to the general public as well as the results of the work accomplished since its launch in October 2019, and informs of the future activities. Read the UNI-ECO Annual Report 2020

3rd Consortium Meeting – July 16th, 2020

The 3rd UNI-ECO consortium meeting was held online. The meeting session focused on the finalization of the first phase of the project (IO1 – state of the art) as well as the set of deadlines for the upcoming activities. Presentations were held by the leaders of the...

2nd Consortium Meeting – June 5th, 2020

Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, the 2nd UNI-ECO consortium meeting was organized virtually. The meeting focus was on the work progress of the first phase of the project (IO1 – state of the art) and future actions to be taken for its finalization.

Launch of the UNI-ECO survey – April 2020

UNI-ECO is carrying out a state of play of sustainable development in the project’s partner universities in order to see to what extent European universities are engaging in the green transition and how they are implementing a comprehensive strategy to reduce their...

Conduct of an inventory of good institutional practices – March 2020

UNI-ECO is carrying out a state of play of sustainable development in the project’s partner universities in order to see to what extent European universities are engaging in the green transition and how they are implementing a comprehensive strategy to reduce their...

Kick off Meeting in Montpellier, France

The UNI-ECO kick off meeting took place in Montpellier on October 22nd-24th, 2019. Presentations of the respective institutions were made in order to introduce the partners during a launching ceremony. The partners got together to launch the project activities through...



  • October 22nd-24th: Kick off Meeting in Montpellier, France – October 22nd-24th, 2019


  • March: Conduct of an inventory of good institutional practices
  • April: Launch of a survey to understand the aspirations of the campus users
  • June 5th: 2nd Consortium Meeting (online)
  • June 30th: Presentation of UNI-ECO at the « Erasmus+ in Higher Education » days organized by the French Erasmus+ Agency
  • July 16th: 3rd Consortium Meeting (online)
  • September 22nd: Presentation of UNI-ECO at the international conference of the “Višegrad4 Green Universities” group at the University of Pécs (Hungary)


More to come …