The Summary Report on the State of the Art on Sustainable Development in HEIs is the first deliverable of the UNI-ECO project (Intellectual Output 1). This study aims at establishing the state of the art of sustainability measures in each UNI-ECO partner university.
In order to collect the necessary data among the general population of the university and staff members working specifically on SD-related topics, two studies were conducted:
– An institutional survey completed by institutional professionals. This consisted of 215 questions covering 10 topics related to incorporating sustainable development into universities structure and operations (general questions, energy,waste,water, procurement, biodiversity, food and catering, education, communication and SD-system, mobility).
– A survey targeted at ”campus users”, i.e. students, academic and non-academic staff,consisting of 34 questions that examined individual attitudes and habits. It also addressed environmental awareness and community views on university environmental activities and their effectiveness.
Based on the incoming data, each partner university prepared an institutional report for internal purposes, presenting an overview of operational sustainability and the response of their community.
The present document was drafted on the basis of those reports to provide a broad analysis of the partnership as a whole.
Read the Summary Report on the State of the Art on Sustainable Development in HEIs (Intellectual Output 1)