Planetary Health Diet at the UB: towards a sustainable option.

Introduce your team!

  • Creator
  • #4983

    Anna Galmiche

    Hi everyone!

    Congratulations for the selection of your project in the call for projects “Green Challenges 2021”!

    Let me introduce myself, I am Anna and I’m a student at the University of Montpellier. I will accompany you in the use of your Living Lab if needed.

    To begin with, maybe you could introduce your team members and explain how you came up with the idea for this project.

    I don’t speak Spanish so we’ll be talking in English together but you’re welcome to speak in Spanish if that’s easier for you.

    We look forward to meeting you and following the evolution of Planetray Health Diet!

  • Author
  • #4996


    Hi Anna!

    It is such a pleasure to meet you and be part of one of the selected groups. We are Anna Escobedo, Ana Moragues, Lina, Sara and I, Andrea.

    We are an interdisciplinary team made up of professors and students from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcerlona.

    All of us have a special interest in the relationship between food and sustainability and, the green challenges project seemed like a good opportunity to influence and provide new options throughout the university and, especially, in our faculty since it is a space with a wide margin for improvement.Also note that one of our members, Ana Moragues, within the framework of Barcelona as the world capital of sustainable food this 2021 has written a manual entitled “Sustainable food: manual for cities” that we have used for our proposal of a diet of planetary health at the UB.

    We are therefore very proud that a project like the one we have proposed has been selected because it shows the growing environmental awareness and we believe that a menu based on planetary health guidelines would contribute to providing new sustainable, healthy and even cheaper options.

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